Thursday 6 October 2011

Jenny and Jess' frame by frame analysis of thriller movie.

Frame to frame analysis of Scream.

20 frames stops after 4:13 minutes.

Frame 1 - Standard shot. Phone rings and she then picks up the phone and starts talking to the other person on the line.

Frame 2 - She picks up the phone for the second time after hanging up. She continues talking to the same person for the second time.

Frame 3 - Exterior shot of her garden and night, and it then tilts down to show her house from the outside.

Frame 4 - Close up of the grill and then the gas comes on and she places popcorn on the stove.

Frame 5 - Mid shot of her putting the wrapper/rubbish in the bin.  Phone then rings again and she engages in conversation this time, she's talking about her favourite scary movies whilst playing with knives.

Frame 6 - Shows the popcorn almost ready.

Frame 7 - Shot then goes back to the girl talking on the phone, the camera follows her around the house (tracking) and she then moves into the lounge to get to the TV, and the person on the phone then says he wants to know who he's looking at, which makes her turn on the outside lights and look out the window.

Frame 8 - Shows her looking out the window from the other side, so we she the expression on her face. (Mid shot)

Frame 9 - Panning shot of her garden and swimming pool. (shows the perspective from her point of view.)

Frame 10 - Cuts back to her from the outside looking in. (Mid shot.)

Frame 11- She then tuns off the outside lights and the camera cuts back to looking at her from inside her house.

Frame 12 - Close up of her locking her back door.

Frame 13 - Cuts to her talking on the phone saying she has to go. He says don't hang up on me, and then she then hangs up the phone.

Frame 14 - Close up of the popcorn which at that moment catches on fire.

Frame 15 - Shows her walking from the lounge to the dining room and then phone rings once again. She answers but quickly hangs up and the camera then tracks her walking back to the kitchen. She sees the popcorn is on fire but at this moment the phones rings again and the then aggressively answers, but she doesn't hang up as he threatens to cut her.

Frame 16 - The camera then tracks her running through her house, and then locking the doors.

Frame 17 - We then see her looking through the front door from the outside.

Frame 18 - We then see looking through the glass in the doors from a point of view shot.

Frame 19 - Then cuts back to looking at her from the outside.

Frame 20 - It then cuts to her crying on the phone and he's still threatening her, she then hangs up, but straight after the doorbell rings.

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